
E- platform “Developing Empowered Sustainable Communities: Green LifeStyle, Cultural Heritage & Economy” contains the same structure as the Curriculum and it could be used complementary to the Training sessions. It is adapted and ideal to use for people of all ages and backgrounds.

The platform offers access to 4 modules:
Module 1- The benefit of sustainable community

Module 2- Green Lifestyle

Module 3- Cultural heritage & me

Module 4

Unit 1: Entrepreneurial Ideas for Developing Sustainable Communities

Unit 2: Transforming an idea into a project/business

Unit 3: Monitoring, measuring results, impact

Enjoy the benefits of learning!

We appreciate your dedication and active participation in the Developing Empowered Sustainable Communities (DESC) Project. Your engagement demonstrates your commitment to promoting sustainable communities and enhancing educational practices. As we strive for excellence in our educational initiatives, your valuable feedback is crucial in assessing the effectiveness and impact of the DESC Project. The platform we ask you to evaluate is part of “Developing Empowered Sustainable Communities (DESC)” project.


Handbook “Developing Empowered Sustainable Communities: Green LifeStyle, Cultural Heritage & Economy”


E-platform “Developing Empowered Sustainable Communities: Green LifeStyle, Cultural Heritage & Economy”


Trainer’s Guide “Developing Empowered Sustainable Communities: Green LifeStyle, Cultural Heritage & Economy”


Needs Analysis “Developing Empowered Sustainable Communities: Green LifeStyle, Cultural Heritage & Economy”

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Erasmus+ project "Developing Empowered Sustainable Communities: Green LifeStyle, Cultural Heritage & Economy" (DESC)